Temporary Road Closures
26 February 2025

Somerset Council have released advanced notification of road closures to enable Somerset Highways to carry out pre-surface dressing patching works on roads in and around our village. Further details are available by clicking on the links below:

Temporary Closure of Ashford Lane

Temporary Closure of Garden Plot Hill

Temporary Closure of Isle Abbotts Road

Residents are advised to register with the Causeway One.Network to view real-time monitoring and alerts for key route networks and major highway schemes.

St Mary's - 100 Club winners
23 January 2025

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Volunteers Needed for Somerset Sight
24 September 2024

Somerset Sight - VVS - Volunteer Poster2023.jpg

Parish Precept and the Somerset Council
13 December 2023

Dear Parishioners
The council feel it right that parishioners are fully advised as to the policies which SCC aim to adopt - as a result of which precepts will rise. To keep our folk informed, we are publishing the link to the letter we received. Nothing has been decided, the councillors will explore possible areas of responsibility and in the course of consideration of the precept for 24/25 possible devolved matters will be examined.
We ask that any comments parishioners may have are directed to a councillor's email so that they may be shared.
Thank you.

Avian Influenza Prevention Zone
25 October 2022
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From 7th November 2022, it will be a legal requirement for all bird keepers to keep their birds housed and to follow stringent biosecurity measures to protect their flocks. This applies whether keepers have commercial flocks, or just a few birds in a backyard. Link to the housing order:- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [Logo] (publishing.service.gov.uk)

The decision was made by the UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer, as the UK continues to face its largest ever outbreak of avian influenza – with over 70 cases since the start of October.

You should be vigilant for any signs of disease in your birds and seek prompt advice from your vet if you have any concerns.

You can help protect your birds and prevent avian flu by maintaining good biosecurity on your premises, including:

  • housing or netting all poultry and captive birds
  • minimising direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds - including making sure that their feed and water is not accessible to wild birds.
  • preventing access by poultry and captive birds to ponds and watercourses
  • cleansing and disinfecting footwear and equipment before and after contact with poultry and captive birds (or changing into clean footwear before tending to your birds)
  • regularly cleaning and disinfecting hard surfaces in areas where birds are kept
  • reducing the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination, and using effective vermin control
  • keeping fresh approved disinfectant at the right concentration for use at farm entrances and before entering poultry and captive bird housing or enclosures

Full details of what is required can be found on the government website - www.gov.uk/bird-flu

You can also find a self-assessment checklist at the above link to help you put the measures in place, as well as more information about the virus.

You can keep up to date with any future changes by regularly visiting the avian influenza section on the government website, and by registering for email or text alerts - www.gov.uk/guidance/apha-alert-subscription-service

The risk to public health from the virus is very low, however it is important that people don’t pick up sick or dead birds.

You should call the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77 if you find:

  • one or more dead bird of prey or owl
  • 3 or more dead gulls or wild waterfowl (swans, geese and ducks)
  • 5 or more dead birds of any species

The Food Standards Agency advice remains unchanged, that avian influenza poses a very low food safety risk for UK consumers. Properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are safe to eat.

Dog Fouling
15 May 2021


The Parish Council have received complaints concerning dog fouling in the areas of Otterham Lane (The Drove) and Townfield footpath (linking Blind Lane down towards the River).

POLITE notices will shortly be displayed in these areas and we would respectively ask all dog owners/walkers to clear up their dog poo wherever it may be in the village.

Thank you.

Isle Abbotts Parish Council


10 May 2021
